Saturday, September 12, 2015

Digital Blog Post #B

The first thing I want to talk about is creativity. A couple semester ago I bumped into this video, and I thought that he had a really good point. 

The book actually has this to say about creativity "those who are acknowledge to be creative are those whose accomplishments enriched life and changed the course of history" (Malroy, 51). Now a days kids have access to a lot of things that can help boost their creativity but they are not really being encouraged at schools , it seems that schools prepare students to be doctors, lawyers, to go to college, get a degree, but are not listening hat students really want. I think this has a lot to do with they way we teach, because if we are going to say that every child learns differently and that we should approached them accordingly why not use the tools that we have to help them figure out what they are good at, what is their passion. 

The second point I want to touch is visual literacy. My personal believe is that once you see something, you cannot unseen it, it stays with you forever; I don't  have any research to back me up, just my own personal experience. Now you might not always remember but at some point, it will poop up when you least expect it. It seems to me that we are becoming even more lazy than usual, and videos are our go to sources of information. I think a lot of people don't like to read, and if they do is up to 140 characters, anything longer than that will get scrolled over. But his gets even better, if the videos are too long we don't watch them, and I include myself in this list. I like things straight to the point, and I think most people do to, especially now a days wen we "don't have time" for anything. A lot of people, specially teenager like Vines, and maybe one of the reasons is because they are so short. From a students point of view, wouldn't it be fun to incorporate something like that in class? Lets say they finished a chapter in Geography about Europe and they can do a short educational video saying the capitals of all the western Europe countries, believe it or not a lot of people don't know what they are. 

The last thing I want to talk about is feedback. I think that one of the main reasons we like the internet so much is due to its ability to connect us instantly even with people that are on the other side of the world, ad to think that today we have the possibility to be taking this class online is amazing. When I came to this country, I stared working and going to school was not possible for me in the beginning especially because I was consider an out of state student. So I enrolled in this over the mail business  course. They would send the book, by mail, I will send them a check, by mail, and needless to say that didn't last long. I decided to wait patiently until I was able to enroll in college, this was back in 2006, not long ago right? Fast forward 9 years and this is my third or fourth semester taking online classes, and I could not be any happier. One of the most important things about this system is being able to communicate with the professor, and thanks to technology that is not an issue. Any questions or doubts can be dealt with almost instantly thanks to apps, instant messaging, etc.  


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

TED. (2015, September 12). Do Schools Kill Creativity? [Video file]. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Love the focus on creativity...and that TED Talk with Ken Robinson is a 'classic'! :) He really does have a way of humorously bringing the point to bear! I would strongly agree that there is a nice focus on technology tools which allow us to unleash that creativity in a relevant way - am thinking that your matching poster is a creative Canva? but since you didn't provide attribution (which is expected!) I'm not sure.?! Also be sure to use APA and MLA citation style - let me know if you have questions.
